Thinking of starting running program or ramping up your current running routine? If so, you may be at risk of an overuse injury - which could ultimately prevent you from being active.
When you increase activity, be it walking, running, or some other favorite sport, unique stresses are placed on your muscles, bones and heart. Progressing too quickly to a level of exertion in which your body is not accustomed puts you at risk for muscle strains or tendonitis, bursitis, stress reactions or fracture. The human body is a wonder that continuously adapts to stresses placed on it. Without considering effects of age, the body will increase bone and muscle mass as activity is increased. This also works in reverse because as we become more sedentary, bone density will decrease and muscle mass will diminish.
At the beginning of a running program or running season, we are more susceptible to demands placed on our body. Bones and muscles will adapt accordingly, but this takes time. With every running workout, your body will heal and remodel itself to better serve you. Without adequate recovery time, our muscles and bones will fail us, resulting in micro-trauma and overuse injuries.
Running training errors are frequently the most important cause of running injuries. Several training factors that increase the risk of running related injuries (RRI) have been identified. The first risk factor is the running distance. In several studies it is shown that running more than 64 km per week increases the risk of RRIs(1,2) . Running too many times per week (3,4) and running only once a week increases the risk of RRIs. (5,6) These data suggest that there is an optimum running frequency for the majority of runners. Also runners that intensively train all year round have a higher chance of sustaining an RRI. (1,7)
For the novice runners a general advice is to plan periods of rest. For the experienced runners a more elaborate explanation of periodization and its application is required. Also the running surface has influence on the risk of RRIs. It has been shown that running on a hard surface increases the risk of injuries and it is therefore advised to perform the majority of the training sessions on a soft surface.(8) The last training factor is stretching. There still is debate about the use of stretching for injury prevention. (9,10) However, occasional stretching increases the risk of RRIs. (1) Therefore, the runners are advised to stretch at every training session.
At Prehab 121 clinic we assess you thoroughly through are extensive running assessment program. Starting with a body scan assessment process we are able to identify the root cause of your running pain, dysfunction, or problem areas holding you back from better running and doing your best in training After the analysis we first start working on releasing the tight structures which is restricting your functional mobility with hands-on treatment using a range of manual therapy techniques and functional movement correctives.
Followed by designing an individualized strength training plan which will develop your core stability, increase your strength, improve your endurance and mobility. We provide individualized running training plan for increasing your running performance with evidence based plan to prevent from running related injuries.
By Luqman Shaikh – Sports Scientist – Founder Prehab 121
1. Macera CA, Pate RR, Powell KE, et al. Predicting lower-extremity injuries among habitual runners. Arch Intern Med 1989.
2. Walter SD, Hart LE, McIntosh JM, et al. The Ontario cohort study of running-related injuries. Arch Intern Med 1989.
3. Jacobs SJ, Berson BL. Injuries to runners: a study of entrants to a 10,000 meter race. Am J Sports Med1986.
4. McKean KA, Manson NA, Stanish WD. Musculoskeletal injury in the masters runners. Clin J Sport Med 2006.
5. Taunton JE, Ryan MB, Clement DB, et al. A prospective study of running injuries: the Vancouver Sun Run "In Training" clinics. Br J Sports Med 2003.
6 Malisoux L, Nielsen RO, Urhausen A, et al. A step towards understanding the mechanisms of running-related injuries. J Sci Med Sport 2015.
7. Van Middelkoop M, Kolkman J, Van Ochten J, et al. Risk factors for lower extremity injuries among male marathon runners. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2008.
8. Macera CA, Pate RR, Powell KE, et al. Predicting lower-extremity injuries among habitual runners. Arch Intern Med 1989.
9. Hartig DE, Henderson JM. Increasing hamstring flexibility decreases lower extremity overuse injuries in military basic trainees. Am J Sports Med 1999.
10. Pope R, Herbert R, Kirwan J. Effects of ankle dorsiflexion range and pre-exercise calf muscle stretching on injury risk in Army recruits. Aust J Physiotherapy 1998.