Diploma in Sports &
Exercise Science
(6 x ACE + ACSM Approved Certificates)

About the Course
The Diploma in Sports and Exercise Science is for those preparing for a career in the dynamic field of exercise science. The Diploma in Exercise Science is an important stepping-stone to achieve your career and study goals
This course, is delivered by an innovative and experienced team who have an established international reputation in sports and exercise science. It meets the highest standards for Sports and Exercise Science education and will enhance national and international employability.
Our Diploma course will give you in-depth understanding of how to optimise athletic performance, prevent injuries, improve wellbeing and help athletes with recovery. as well as give you the opportunity to study other related topics including nutrition and health.
Our enthusiastic tutors and state-of-the-art laboratories and equipment provide lively interactive ways to learn, ensuring you will have the best possible experience. We emphasise both theoretical and practical understanding across the range of disciplines, ensuring that our students have subject knowledge, and an ability to apply knowledge appropriately along with employability skills to ensure they become quality graduates in a strong position to build careers in the sports & exercise industry or beyond.
The course director is Dr Luqman Shaikh (PT). Having obtained an MSc in Sports and Exercise Science from University of Glasgow, UK.
You could go on to work in a wide range of roles in sports & exercise domains, including sports science support, performance analysis, strength & conditioning, personal training, coaching, sports development and sports administration.
3 Months Course
Sat & Sun - 10 am to 5 pm IST
150+ hours of Live Online Classroom Lectures
Live Classes will also be recorded to be watched as per convenience
certificate from Prehab 121 academy
Diploma in
Sports & Exercise Science
Where can I work after completing my Diploma in Sports & Exercise Science Program?
You can apply to work as a
- Sports Scientist at Sports Facility
- On Field Sports Teams
- Sports Academies
- Strength & Conditioning Coach / Athletic Coach
- Functional & Group Trainer
- Corrective Exercise & Injury Prevention Specialist
- Sports & Exercise Nutritionist
Certificates from

Sports & Exercise Nutrition
Prehab & Rehab Specialist
Posture & Functional Corrective Exercise Specialist
Strength & Conditioning Training Specialist
Functional & Group Training Specialist
Suspension Training Specialist
Rs 30,000/-
Early Bird Offer
Rs 20,000/-
(Valid till 5th Nov)
USD $350
(For non Indian Students)
Course Syllabus
Module 1 - Anatomy, Physiology, Biomechanics & Assessment
Human Anatomy
Exercise Physiology
Cardiovascular Physiology
Exercise & Functional Biomechanics

Module 2 - Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation & Return to Sports
Common Musculoskeletal Injuries
Prehab 121 protocols for Intermediate to late stage exercise programs - Activation, Early Strengthening, Advanced Strengthening, Plyometrics, Return to Sport Exercises
Role of criteria based progressions
Return to Sport Testing
Injury Prevention Programs
Corrective Exercise Strategies - Inhibitory, Lengthening, Activation & Mobility
Rationale for Corrective Exercise
Module 3 - Nutrition for Sports and Performance
Introduction to Sports & Exercise Nutrition
Macronutrients & Micronutrients, Water & Electrolytes
Body Composition, Energy Systems
Effects of Exercise on various Body Systems
Energy Requirements for Athletes
Dietary Supplements & Sports Performance
Pre & Post Workout Nutritions
Diet Planning & Management

Module 4 - Strength and Conditioning Training
Athlete Assessment & Evaluation
Coaching Principles
Periodization + Long Term Athlete Development
Plan, Prepare and Deliver Strength and Conditioning for Sport
Designing Individual Strength and Conditioning Sessions
Designing A Proper Strength Training Warm-Up
Module 5 - Sports Functional Training
Introduction to Functional & Group Training
Equipment used in Functional Training
Basics of Functional Training
Four basic foundation of Human Movements
Basis for Functional and constructive Training
Operating Functional Intensity
Functional workout with Body Weight & Bands
Functional workout with Dumbbells and Kettlebells
Functional workout with Medicine and Stability Balls
Functional workout with Agility ladder, Hurdles and Battle ropes
Functional & Group Program Designing
Functional Training Variables
Periodization Cycles for functional training
Suspension Training

Module 6 - Sports & Exercise Science
Musculoskeletal Assessment
Cardiovascular Assessment
Postural Assessment
Functional (Prehab Assessment Tool)
World Class Athlete Preparation
Athlete Assessment
Next Batch Starts - 21st Jan 2023 onwards
For more information & Registration -
Call/ Whatsapp - +91 9765705580