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Spine Rehab Workshop Hyderabad Edition

Sat, Dec 14


MultiFit Banjara Hills

The Prehab 121 Spine Rehabilitation Workshop is coming to Hyderabad on 14th - 15th December 2019. . Early Bird tickets are Rs 4000 till 30th November 2019. . Normal tickets are Rs 5000 till 10th December 2019.

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Time & Location

Dec 14, 2019, 10:00 AM – Dec 15, 2019, 5:00 PM

MultiFit Banjara Hills, Rd Number 12, Opposite to Ratnadeep, Amudi Nagar, Bhola Nagar, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, Telangana 500034, India


About the Event

Course Overview

The Prehab 121 Spine Rehabilitation workshop objective is to up skill and educate Healthcare professionals, Physiotherapist, Strength and Conditioning Coach & Trainers in the field of exercise prescription and rehabilitation programming involving pain/ailments, injuries and surgery. 

You will be learning key exercises and progressions, as well as how to design, construct and implement effective spine rehab programs for your clients. You will become proficient in selecting the right exercises, constructing the best rehab program for each individual acute case as well as developing long term program layouts for common chronic complaints and post-operative protocols.

The exercises and programming knowledge you will learn on these courses will increase your toolkit and skillset, to help you continue to deliver the best treatment choices and rehabilitation regimes for your clients.

The two day spine rehab workshop will present evidence based strategies for both reducing injury risk and managing injuries and return to sport activities for already injured populations. This is an interdisciplinary course for Physiotherapist, Strength and conditioners, Trainers that can play an important role in helping clients stay healthy and recover faster with evidence based framework that you can implement immediately.

Day 1 

Understanding the Spine

Day 1 begins with understanding the Cervical, Thoracic and Lumbar Spine, its musculature, biomechanics and different types of injuries. The section will explore how to observe, examine the spine and special tests to determine severity of injury and its location. Discuss the prevalence of injury and how clients would represent with symptoms. Dive into phases of pre-operative and post-operative spine rehabilitation and discuss current literature on different phases. We will then break the phases into different modules looking at the effects of loading spine musculature at specific time intervals.

Cervical Rehabilitation + Mobility

This section outlines steps to be taken towards conservative and surgery management of neck strengthening. It will cover specific loading progressions and stress free strengthening so that the attendees can immediately implement a progressive plan with their clients. Practical demonstrations of cervical (neck) exercises in the early to late stages of rehab.

Thoracic Rehabilitation + Mobility

This section outlines guidelines to be taken to manage mid spine rehabilitation. It will cover loading and rehab exercises for the thoracic area and exercises to maintain tone of the muscles and focus on mobility exercises to limit dysfunction. Practical demonstrations of thoracic exercises in the early to late stages of rehab.

Lumbar Mobility + Early Strengthening 

This section covers exercises to increase lumbar mobility and core muscle activation. Understanding core muscle loading with outcome measures will be introduced with volume loading and the acute to chronic workload ratio. Recommendations and examples on how to implement them for both training and rehabilitation.

Day 2

Core Strengthening

This section will be gym / clinic based regime with a mixture of swiss ball, pilates, and co – ordination exercises. Demonstration of different exercises focusing on same muscles to avoid adaptation for clients, and cueing and motor control strategies to optimize technique. Participants will have ample time to practice to understand the movement pattern of each exercise. Progression to next phase with evidence based outcome measures will be demonstrated.

Advance Core Strengthening 

This section focuses on advance phase 3 and 4 core strengthening exercises, as well as continuation of gym based strength and neuromuscular program.  Return to sport/ activiity decision making with evidence based tests will be covered in this section.

Prevention of re-injury – Advance Sports and Functional

This section covers balance between adequate strength and preventing injuries in non-injured clients. This includes how training volume and intensity should be incorporated with strategies for various goals, including strength, endurance, power, hypertrophy and movement tolerance. 

Resource Person

Dr Luqman Shaikh (PT)

Sports Scientist (UK)

Sports Physiotherapist


  • Early Bird Tickets - Rs 4000/-

    Fees includes 2 day workshop with certificate

    Sale ended



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